Friday 4 February 2011

Little dramas make big crises!

I guess it's inevitable with all those people involved - people who like to show off. Egos abounding. And generally professional people by day, so still wanting to impress.

What am I on about? The drama group, and in particular, the committee. I'm as bad as the rest, I'd guess, all of us wanting to stand out and make a mark, wanting the group to do the same, and all blaming each other one way or another when things don't progress as swiftly as we'd like.

We'd planned a big push on revamping marketing and image - rebranding. I'm learning the difference between strategy and tactics, and we're all learning the difference between saying something will get done and it actually being done. Chinese whispers abounding leading to all sorts of miscommunication. What's really frustrating is that there is a constant slurry of emails between us, yet there are still whopping great cracks for things to fall through!

The answer? I don't know. What I do know is that I need to take it less personally and not assume responsibility for everything, even if I AM the 'Chair' at present. Delegation is difficult. Efficient delegation is even harder!

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